This apartment is a two bedroom and the demographic this was more family based. Many families in this development are either retired and have the shore house that don't want the big house anymore, single parent have the space for their kids, or two young professionals. This apartment was to appeal to a broader audience.
We created a color scheme with rich wood tones, nickel and zinc finish metals, and added different shades of blues and creams. With this apartment we had some of the master bedroom furniture to work with and paired with a beautiful cream bed and chair.
The second bedroom we did a more eclectic look. We did a dramatic charcoal bed and opposite of that was an off white dresser that has a beachy distressed finish and the nightstands were a bronze metal that matched the hardware on the dresser.
The living room we maximized the seating by putting a sectional that could fit 4-5 people. We added 2 backless barstools at the kitchen counter to keep it clean and not fussy in this area. The kitchen was big enough to add a small table that you could 3-4 people.